2015 m. spalio 9 d., penktadienis

Kaip suinstaliuoti windows10 blokuojamas programas, tvarkykles?

Instaliavimo blokavimas Win10: "šis leidėjas buvo užblokuotas, jo programinės įrangos negalima paleisti"

Prireikė suinstaliuoti seną spausdintuvą Samsung ML-2015 į windows 10.

Windows 10 metė saugos įspėjimą

Lietuviškas varintas
"šis leidėjas buvo užblokuotas, jo programinės įrangos negalima paleisti”

Angliškas variantas
"This app has been blocked for your protection"

Sprendimas - Paleisti instaliavimo failią iš komandinės eilutės.

  1. Padidėkite paleidžiamąjį failą C diske Install kataloge (tam, kad nereiktų vesti ilgo kelio komandinėje eilutėje)
  2. Paleiskite “Komandinė eilutė (administratorius)” - dešinį klavišą ant start mygtuko sąrašo viduryje yra “Komandinė eilutė (administratorius)”   

3) Spaudžiame Taip

“cd ..” komandos pagalba išeiname sistem32 katalogo

“cd ..” -> ENTER komandos pagalba išeiname Windows katalogo

“cd - Install” -> ENTER - įeinu į “- Install” katalogą
Surenkame paleidžiamojo failo pavadinimą SamsungUniversalPrintDriver2.exe -> ENTER

Valio! Tvarkyklė pasileido, o saugos įspėjimo nebėra.

2015 m. spalio 1 d., ketvirtadienis

Google svetainės (Google sites) nukreipimas į tavo adresą (domain'ą)

EN variantas:

Map your site to your own domain

If you would like your site to appear under a custom domain URL that you control, such as www.example.com, you can have your site appear at that URL by going through a process known as mapping your site. Then, as people navigate your site, they will remain on www.example.com unless they click an external link.
To point visitors to this new URL, you might also have to make changes to your CNAME record, which controls what aliases are associated with your domain.

Map your site toward your custom URL

How you map your site to a custom URL depends on whether you are using Google Sites through Google Apps. You can tell if you are using Google Apps because the URL of your site will have "/a" after sites.google.com (for example, http://sites.google.com/a/AppsDomain.com/yoursite).

Change your CNAME record

Depending on your domain registrar, you may need to make changes to your CNAME record in order for your site to be mapped:
  1. Sign in to the site where you control your own site with custom URL.
  2. Navigate to your Domain Name Server (DNS) management page. The location and name of this page varies by host, but can generally be found in the Domain Management or Advanced Settings section.
  3. Find the CNAME settings and in the section 'CNAME value or alias,' enter the sub-domain you'd like to map the URL to. The sub-domain for www.example.com would be www.
  4. Set the CNAME destination to the following address: ghs.googlehosted.com
  5. Save your changes with your domain host.

Notes about changing your URL

  • Mappings are restricted to sub-domain level only, such as www.example.com, wiki.example.com, or support.example.com. You can't map your domain to what is known as a naked domain, such as http://example.com.
  • You can map up to five sub-domains to a given site.
  • Mapping only works with Google Sites that are public. People visiting a private site will be redirected to your standard Google Sites URL. For instance, if people access a private site at http://private-wiki.example.com, they'll be redirected to the standard URL, http://sites.google.com/a/AppDomain.com/private-wiki.

'Address already used' error when mapping

If you're receiving an error that reads, "This address is already being used," you'll need to verify that the URL isn't mapped to another site.
Check the settings in the service control panel of your desired URL to see if it has already been mapped to another site.

'Domain is not verified' error when mapping

For security reasons, we require that you verify you own the web address you use in order to map it. You can do this by adding a DNS TXT or CNAME record using Webmaster tools:
  1. Go to the Webmaster Tools home page.
  2. If the domain or web address where you want your site mapped isn't already listed, click Add Site to add it. If you're mapping a subdomain (say, subdomain.example.com) you'll need to verify the domain (example.com), not the subdomain (subdomain.example.com).
  3. If you're adding this address now, click Continue. The "Site verification" page will open. If the address was already listed, click the Manage Site button next to the address or domain you want and then click Verify this site.
  4. Click the Alternate methods tab.
  5. Select Domain name provider.
  6. Select your domain registrar and follow the instructions on your screen. If your domain registrar isn't listed, select Other, and follow the instructions to manually create a DNS record.
  7. Click Verify. Don't delete the record from your server, as this will cause your site to become unverified.
Once your domain is verified, mapping the domain will work successfully.

Šaltinis - https://support.google.com/sites/answer/99448?hl=en